Sunday, November 1, 2009

Day 4: We Walked Today Where Jesus Walked 11/1/09

Jordan River: (JT) Traditional site of Jesus' baptism (Yardenit). Beautiful area but tourist crowds sadden me as people crowd in trying to get to the water.

Becky and I each purchased a ring and matching earrings. Love the set but we thought we were paying in shekels (about 3.7 per dollar).
Becky struggled through the check out line just to find the price was in dollars. GASP!!!

Tiberias: (BA) This is a bustling city today. There are cars everywhere and you have to be careful not to get hit when crossing the street. Pedestrians do not have the right-of-way. This was the location of an ancient synagogue. There were ruins of painted concrete and mozaic tiled floors. There seem to be mosaics built into everything here. It is quite intricate and beautiful. There was a zodiac built into the floor, which we were told was done a lot in those days. Paul (our guide) gathered some carob pods from carob trees (obviously) and those who chose could chew on a pod for their chocolate fix. Not bad at all! We got on a boat here and sailed across the Sea of Galilee. A storm came up just as we were getting into the boat, but just as quickly,it left. It never actually rained on us.

Ein Gev: After we landed from our sea journey, we went into a restaurant here for lunch. We had a choice of fish, pasta, or pizza. I chose the fish and it was very good. We started with soup, then had hummus and Turkish salad (which looked and tasted like a sweet salsa or relish. For dessert we had a kind of sherbet. It was all delicious.

Capernaum:This was thought to be the home of Peter because he inherited it from his mother-in-law. They say the mothers-in-law rule the roost.Their homes were actually walls around the entire property and inside they built rooms as they needed them. Next to the house was a synogogue from the 1st century, and could have been where Jesus went to preach frequently. We walked on stones that could have been there when Jesus was there. It was exciting to think we were walking on the very stones His feet might have touched.

Bethsaida: This city no longer exists. We saw the gate to the city which were always built with a turn so that an army could not walk straight into the city and conquer it. It has recently been discovered and they are still working to make it so that tourists can visit it. It looked like a big pile of rocks to me.

After dinner this evening we marked maps to show where we've been for the last three days, then we walked down the road for ice cream. I ordered one scoop of chocolate in a cup and it cost 9 shekels (about $2) I also bought some Bamba (a puffed peanut butter snack that is kosher) that Jerry Wilson recommended. I'm bringing some home to taste.

(JT) I had one scoop of chocolate chip in a cup. As we passed the security gate returning to our kibbutz, Tim Wilkins jumped out at Becky, Scott and me. It was quite dark and we jumped a mile. I think Tim can expect some restitution in the near future.

Going to bed now realizing everyone at home has just finished Sunday dinner!

Monday a.m.: I'm trying to post a video of the Sea of Galilee cruise but it won't load. Sorry!

1 comment:

  1. I assume both are posting lots of pictures. I understand if you can't get them to load. It just means more to look at when you guys get home. It's so cool that you walked where Jesus probably walked. Awesome! See you soon.
